Auxiliary Communications Services

 logos for amateur radio emergency services, white circle with red border with lighting bolt in the middle

The Auxiliary Communication Services (ACS) for the City of Palo Alto supplements emergency communications with volunteer staff. Both licensed and unlicensed can serve in one or more functions across administrative, management, technical, or operational areas in the Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES). If you live or work in Palo Alto and are a communications professional, amateur radio operator, or are interested in learning about radio communications, we welcome your involvement.

As volunteers, hams can: 

  • Supplement communications at their local neighborhood command post.
  • Support communications efforts in the City's emergency operations center or our ESV operations center.
  • Assist the operations of our logistic trailers located at our fire stations.  
  • Serve as mobile communications resources or at fixed locations depending on the needs of the city.  

Contact us if you would like to join or to learn more about this program -  

Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES)

ARES is a part of the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL). The ARRL deals with all aspects of amateur radio, also known as ham radio, including legislation, licensing, and contests. The ARES branch handles communications during emergencies such as search-and-rescue operations, aiding a ship in distress, providing communications services to a Red Cross shelter, and similar incidents.

ARES volunteers in Palo Alto participate in planned events such as festivals, parades, bike rides, fire watch operations, and more.

Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES)

RACES is the communications branch of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). When a government entity requests amateur radio assistance, the response is processed through RACES and usually involves a disaster or other wide-reaching emergency. RACES operators are covered with the California Disaster Services Workers insurance.

How To Become An Amateur Radio Operator

Operation of an amateur station requires an amateur operator license from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Before receiving a license, you must determine your operator class and pass an examination administered by a team of volunteer examiners. US licenses are good for 10 years before renewal and anyone may hold one, except a representative of a foreign government.

In the US, there are three license classes: Technician, General, and Extra. The Technician class license is the entry-level license of choice for most new ham radio operators. The Technician license requires passing one examination totaling 35 questions on radio theory, regulations, and operating practices. The license gives access to all Amateur Radio frequencies above 30 megahertz allowing communication locally and often also within North America. It allows for some limited privileges, too, on the HF (also called "short wave") bands used for international communications.

Learn about hams and how to become a licensed ham operator. You can also get your ham license in one day when you attend a local ham cram.

Practice & Learning Opportunities (Monday Night Nets and Drills/Exercises)

Palo Alto CERT Net

The purpose of this net is to practice communicating within and between neighborhoods in Palo Alto. This net is organized into five districts, D1 through D5. Every Monday night from 7:15 pm to 7:30 pm, the net runs with separate net control operators and frequencies for each CERT district. The CERT district numbers match the Palo Alto Fire Department station numbers. Join the net closest to you. From 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm, there is a single net for Palo Alto on the main tactical frequency. See the below Palo Alto Frequencies chart for all frequencies.


The Southern Peninsula Emergency Communications System (SPECS) Net meets by radio every Monday night at 8:00 pm on 145.270 MHz, negative offset, 100 Hz PL tone (W6ASH repeater), to provide a forum for announcements and to collect data from local city nets. The purpose of the net is to train and maintain a crew of Amateur Radio Operators who are ready to furnish communication services in a time of need. This is done by providing announcements pertaining to amateur radio and emergency preparedness.

The Palo Alto and North section of the SPECS net meets at 7:30 pm for early check-ins prior to the main net at 8:00 pm, and following the main net for additional check-ins.  There is also time for brief training sessions and announcements of special interest to Palo Alto hams. Visitors are always welcome to check in to the nets. Visit SPECS for details.

  • The first Monday of the month: use the primary simplex frequency - Command A - provided in the frequency chart below. 
  • The other Monday's of the month: use the Command B repeater - W6HP. 

Palo Alto ESV Drills and Exercises

About quarterly, the City of Palo Alto OES schedules drills and exercises that ham operators can participate in to practice radio communications skills.  These can include net control at the neighborhood level or at the operations center, scribe, packet radio operator, or a individual communications resource.  Our training schedule is available at; and we announce these opportunities in our monthly ESV updates.   

PAARA: Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association

PAARA runs a weekly Net and Swap session at 8:30 pm every Monday evening on the N6NFI repeater: 145.230, –0.6 MHz offset, 100Hz PL. Visit for details.


Palo Alto Frequencies

Effective 15 August 2022, the following frequency plan is in effect.  We have changed a number of our frequencies so please update your radio programming with these changes.  

147.540 MHz  Command A Primary simplex for tactical and resource nets Simplex, PL 100
443.825  Command B

Primary repeater for tactical and resource nets; W6EI Repeater

+5 MHz, PL 151.4
 442.000 Command Alternate  Alternate repeater; WW6HP Repeater  +5 MHz, PL 151.4   
441.000 MHz District 1   Local tactical communications Simplex, PL 100
440.200 MHz District 2  Local tactical communications, N6BDE repeater +5 MHz, PL 123
147.525 MHz  District 3 Local tactical communications Simplex, PL 100
147.480 MHz  District 4 Local tactical communications Simplex, PL 100
446.500 MHz  District 5 Local tactical communications
Simplex, PL 100


  • Monday night net is on Command A (simplex) on the first Monday of the month, on Command B (W6EI) on other Mondays.
  • D2 - N6BDE is shared with Stanford ARES
  • D3 - 147.525 is shared with Milpitas ARES. We have agreed that Palo Alto will transmit PL 100 Hz and Milpitas will transmit PL 84.5 Hz. We will only use tone squelch if we experience interference.
  • D5 - Designated for use by Trailer Teams as needed. 446.500 is shared with Sunnyvale ARES. We have agreed that Palo Alto will transmit PL 100 Hz and Sunnyvale will transmit 94.8 H. We will only use tone squelch if we experience interference.


NARCC is the Northern Amateur Relay Council of California, the coordinating body for repeaters in our area,
County voice frequencies:
NARCC band plan for 70 cm:
NARCC repeaters on 70 cm:

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