739 Sutter Ave


Application #: 22PLN-00201

Request for a Streamlined Housing Development Review to Allow the Construction of an Approximately 18,000 Square Foot (sf) Multi-Family Project Consisting of 12 Three-Bedroom Condominium Units in 3-story Buildings on an Approximately 0.38-acre (16,720 sf) Parcel. The Project would replace an existing 8-Unit Residential Rental Building. The Project includes two Units Provided at Below Market Rate and, Accordingly, Requests Concessions and Waivers Pursuant to State Density Bonus Law.

Other Documents: 

Waiver/Justification(PDF, 31MB)

Zoning District: RM-20 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential)

Environmental Assessment: The project is being evaluated in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act. Specifically, the City is preparing a Class 32 (infill) exemption in accordance with CEQA.

Public Hearings:

11/2/23 ARB

Related Applications

Application #24PLN-00005

Request for Vesting tentative Map to subdivide an existing 16,720 sf Square Foot Parcel, for a Single Lot Residential Condominium Development consisting of 12 Residential Condominium units.

Vesting Tentative Map Plans

Cycle 1 Plans(PDF, 3MB)
Cycle 2 Plans(PDF, 4MB)


739 Sutter Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94303  View Map

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