California Avenue Garage Project

  • Project typeBuildings & Facilities
  • Project value$50,213,486
  • Completion DateDecember 08, 2020
California Avenue Garage Photo

Project Description

The California Avenue Parking Garage is part of the 2014 Council Infrastructure Plan. The new public parking garage is located at 350 Sherman Avenue, and the new Public Safety Building (PSB) will be across the street at 250 Sherman Avenue. Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), these are considered as a single project because the garage mitigates the loss of approximately 310 existing public surface parking spaces on both sites. The garage was completed before the PSB. The PSB is currently under construction. 

Scope of Work

  • Public parking garage with four levels above ground and two basement levels
  • 627 parking spaces
  • 50+ bicycle parking spaces
  • New parking guidance system to assist drivers
  • Future solar panels on the roof deck

Project Status


Project Timeline

  • Stage 1 – 2015 to 2016

    • December 2015: City Council accepted the Public Safety Building Site Evaluation Study of California Avenue Parking Lots C-6 and C-7 for Construction of a New Public Safety Building and Public Parking Structure and directed staff to proceed with Design and Environmental Review of a 3-Story Public Safety Building Meeting Zoning Requirements on Lot C-6, and to Proceed With Design and Environmental Review of a New Public Parking Garage on Lot C-7 (ID #6069)
    • 2016:  Design Team and Project Management Team are finalized


  • Stage 2 – 2017 to 2018

    • Design of the California Avenue Area Parking Garage begins.
    • Draft EIR of the Public Safety Building and California Avenue Area Parking Garage begins.
    • October 2017: Architectural Review Board Meeting for the Public Safety Building and California Avenue Area Parking Garage projects
    • January 2018: Final Draft Environmental Impact Report completed.
    • January 2018: Architectural Review Board Meeting for the California Avenue Area Parking Garage 
    • March 2018: Architectural Review Board approves the California Avenue Area Parking Garage project
    • June 2018: Final Environmental Impact Report – Notice of Determination
    • Construction Documents are completed in Fall 2018
    • California Avenue Area Parking Garage project goes out to bid in September 2018
    • December 2018: Council approved and authorized a construction contract for the New California Avenue Area Parking Garage
  • Stage 3 – 2019 to 2020

    • January 2019: California Avenue Area Parking Garage construction begins
    • Parking garage mat slab foundation is poured late September 2019
    • Parking garage construction is substantially complete November 20, 2020.
    • The California Avenue Area Parking Garage opens to the public on December 8, 2020.


Previously Held Meetings


June 18 - California Avenue Area Parking Garage Construction Inauguration
The City and community came together to celebrate the ongoing construction of the garage. The Mayor, City Manager, and Public Works Director spoke on the project’s importance as part of the 2014 Infrastructure Plan, and to mark the milestone.

January 18 - Project Walk-Through
City staff hosted a walk-through of the California Avenue Area Parking Garage and Public Safety Building project sites. This was an opportunity for the public to learn more about the project, the upcoming tree removals, and the City’s broader commitment to Palo Alto’s urban forest. 


December 10 - City Council Meeting
Council approved and authorized a construction contract for the New California Avenue Area Parking Garage, in addition to other agreements related to the project. The Staff Report ID #9688 is available to the public.

September 12 - Community Meeting
The City of Palo Alto hosted a Community Meeting for the new Public Safety Building and Parking Garage.


Project Documents

Public Safety Building and California Avenue Parking Garage Environmental Impact Report


350 Sherman Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306  View Map

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